Saturday, 27 July 2013

FIRST ON CNN: Top Marine’s alleged comments in Taliban desecration case draw scrutiny

By Barbara Starr


A senior Marine general said in an extraordinary sworn statement obtained by CNN that the head of the corps wanted several Marines kicked out of the service for their alleged roles in urinating on Taliban corpses - even before any charges were brought.
Lt. General Thomas Waldhauser told military authorities in the sworn statement on Tuesday that he had a private meeting in February 2012 with Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos, who had just named him to lead the investigation and possible prosecution.
"I do not remember the exact words or sequence of what was said, but the CMC did make a comment to the effect that the Marines involved needed to be 'crushed,'" Waldhauser said, adding that the "CMC went on to say he wanted these Marines to be discharged from the Marine Corps when this was all over."
Waldhauser's statement was made as part of the record for upcoming court martial proceedings against two Marines involved in the case.
The Marine Corps said that Amos would not comment on the matter.
At the time of the meeting, Waldhauser had been ordered by Amos to become the "convening authority," which meant he was to handle the investigation and potential prosecution of several Marines allegedly involved.
The incident occurred in Helmand Province in July 2011 but did not come to light publicly until more than six months later when a video was posted on the Web. The video inflamed tensions over the U.S. presence in Afghanistan.
Under military laws governing what is referred to as "undue command influence," it's illegal for commanders more senior to the primary investigating officer to take any actions or make statements to pressure the outcome of a case.
The Pentagon's inspector general is investigating whistleblower allegations that Amos did just that.
Waldhauser's statement is a rare view into private communications at the highest levels of the U.S. military. At the time, he was the senior commander for all Marines serving in Afghanistan.
Waldhauser now serves as the senior military assistant to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. 
The former commander said he told Amos that he did not believe the cases warranted general courts martial, which could have resulted in their dismissal from the corps.
"The CMC told me that he could change the convening authority on the cases, and I responded that would be his prerogative," Waldhauser said in his statement.
By any measure, a commander in Amos's position would not be allowed to essentially switch prosecuting jurisdictions because he did not like the potential outcome.
The matter took another turn after that meeting. Waldhauser said he received a call from Amos's deputy saying the commandant "was upset and regretted the conversation he had with me."
Waldhauser said Amos felt he had put his own office "in a bad position." Shortly after that, Waldhauser said he and Amos spoke directly and the commandant "admitted that he had crossed the line."
Amos moved the cases from Waldhauser's jurisdiction and gave them to another general.
In a February 10, 2012, memo to Waldhauser, Amos said, "I believe some of my comments during our recent conversation could be perceived as possibly interfering with your independent and unfettered discretion to take action in these c
 soundoff (545 Responses)

 Joseph McCarthy

What those bozos did was a national disgrace by urinating on those dead men whether they were actually members of the Taliban or not. Gen. James Amos did the right thing here. By following our current aggressive foreign policies abroad, we already managed to make ourselves look as bad as bad can be! We need to keep a 1988 presidential campaign promise made by George H.W. Bush but later reneged on, that is, "a kinder, gentler America".


Amos broke the law... Maybe more than one.... You do NOT solve a problem by making even bigger problems! What the boys did was combat stress reaction young men frat boy stuff that we laugh at in movies. They did not murder or rape someone tomwhere the histeria over their actions is warranted. On the other hand... Is there now any surprise over why females will not report rape when they see just how major amos isnwilling to break the law to twist the justice system to what he wants? Remember... In
the military, the judges, defense and prosecutors report to amos.

Portland tony

To the foot solder, war is simply about killing the enemy and staying alive. There are no "rules", no political correctness, when some guy behind the next rock is trying to blow you up. This goes for both sides in any conflict. Those who sit behind desks can establish all the "Geneva Conventions" and rules of "civilized warfare" they want ......But the only "Law of war" is "kill or be killed". Let those politicos who started a war try to find a better way? Maybe by staying out of
foreign conflicts.....Huh?

George patton

In fact Portland Tony, we should never have invaded Afghanistan in the first place. Pres. George W. Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to do so for the purpose of exploiting Afghanistan's vast underground resources which the right-wing news media conveniently forgets to mention. This is because they don't want us to know. Afghanistan belongs to the Afghans and no one else!!!

Phelix Unger

Hello George
I think you have it backwards, Georgey Borgey should never have entered Iraq, he did so at his fathers bidding, just after he took office he had Iraq bomber, months before September 11, 2001. Then after that infamous date he painted a picture with cartoons to make up a reason to invade Iraq. All for daddy and no other reason. Then while the war in Iraq, America went into Afghanistan and that about going after Osama Bin Laden, who escaped into Pakistan, obviously with the governments help. Afghanistan is and was a mess, I think though between fighting on the ground and drone strikes the Afghanistan military maybe able to achieve order in their country when the Americans leave and Karzi is replaced.

USMC 0311 1961-67

It is obvious to all in this "discussion" who has been in a firefight and who hasn't. What is apparent in the article is that the Commandant of the Marine Corps disgraced himself, and his position, and ended any hope of fair treatment for the marines in the picture when he make his wishes known. We all know that it rolls down hill, and we all know that there isn't anyone in the Corps that has enough horsepower to stand up to the s#*t that rolls down from that high up. Any one who does can kiss his (or her) career good by.

Phelix Unger

There should have been a lineup a mile long. Respect is for those who fight a battle with some sembalance of honor. These are terrorist who seek out and kill not only the soldiers their fighting, but the civilian population as well. They do this so when they think they can regain control of the population, the civilian population will be so terrorized they won't stand up to the Taliban. Nope don't feel a moment of pity for these creatures. The rest of you who feel the deserve more, well get your crying rags out and send letters of condolences. While your at it mail a few of those to the parents of the men and women who have been killed serving the countries who enable you to snivel like you do.


Many of you just don't get it. The mentality being displayed in these comments shows why much of the world despises the U.S. The actions of these Marines and other members of the U.S. Armed Forces fighting these unconventional wars is why you have "terrorists". These actions push people to the Taliban and Al Quaeda who may have otherwise not supported them The. U.S. is trying to win hearts and minds over there. These actions defeat the purpose. The U.S. will continue to fail because of the arrogance displayed by many.


Walk a mile in their boots before you even think about having an opinion about this. Oh, and carry his +70 lbs pack, weapons, ammo, NBC gear, etc... Get shipped to a sh!t hole half way around the world on a boat, catch a disease, and watch your buddy take an RPG to the face. Perhaps then, you will have a better perspective to work with. And, don't forget our enemies use to cut off the genitals of our dead and shove them into their mouths. Think of that when you're drinking your grande two pump vanilla latte with splenda.


D. Lee – don't pay attention to the couch potatoes who watch the war on the news. The fear factor is a huge part of fighting a war. If your enemy is scared of your mannerisms, tactics, and weapon capability you have already won the battle. If you infringe or mock their religious nonsense, the enemy (Taliban) will make huge battle errors because they are emotionally distressed about your current and future actions. Every means available to take them out one by one and humiliate them in the process will leave them in confusion, fear, and hate which makes much easier targets. A scared, disorganized enemy is a dead enemy which is the whole point of going to war. Fear is a powerful and inexpensive weapon.Been there – done that – Vietnam 1968.

Former Jarhead

Typical Marine officer. Doesn't care about the young men he commands, simply cares that someone embarrassed him and may have hurt his political aspirations.
Yes, the young men made a mistake. Urinating on corpses is probably worthy of an NJP and a reduction in rank for all involved. General courts martial (and being a felon if convicted) is way overkill.
Relieve Gen Amos of command for being an awful leader and a ridiculous d-bag. I would never act towards my direct reports like Marine officers treat their Marines. I guess that's why I got out and moved on to a career where people are treated like, oh I don't know... people.

Former Jarhead

They excercised poor judgement. I think what so many of you are forgetting is the fact that most of these are VERY young men. 18-22 years old. A general court martial and subsequent discharge ruins your life. There is no getting that back. You don't pass a background check, you can't vote, you can't own a weapon, etc..
I agree that they should be punished. NJP them, reduce them all in rank, and don't allow them to re-enlist.
The fact is, the General overreacted because this hurt him politically, and he wants to ruin a few young men's lives FOREVER because of it.
Screw Gen Amos, and screw 90% of the Marines that wore anything shiny on their collars.


The General doesn't get to decide whether the Marines are there or not, either. He has to answer to the civilian authorities placed above him. What the General CAN do is get angry when a bunch of unthinking, careless kids do something that disgraces the service he is in command of in a public manner.
The General doesn't have the authority to stop the war, just to try to fight it as best he can, and that includes maintaining good order and discipline amongst the troops...which these Marines did not evidence with their actions.


Doesn't matter, and you should know that. They will be found guilty and leave with the "Big Chicken Dinner". This is all but inevitable, and while what they did was wrong, the real error (like mentioned several times by others) was getting caught. Sadly, this is the reality even in times of peace. The things Marines get away with – and the things they don't – all come down to image (theirs, their units, the Corps). If they tarnish it, they've exercised poor judgment and even minor infractions will be punished severely. If they avoided tarnishing it, they can get away with just about anything, even if it does result in a career ending event, it would be handled quietly if not for the image issue. Everything else just becomes window dressing.
This does NOT mean that this is the *only* issue with what they did, only that their lack of judgment in publicly tarnishing the Marine Corps’ image will be the difference between a quiet exit and a B.C.D.


The Geneva Convention does not address urinating on corpses. It addresses how we treat prisoners. Corpses are not prisoners.
I am not condoning their actions, and their conduct was unbecoming of a U.S. Marine, but they broke no law. All they did is embarrass the U.S. by their actions. (Why someone would ever take a photo of doing something like this speaks volumes of their lack of common sense.)
We are a professional military and we are above acting like these guys did. Their actions dictate that they do not belong in the Corps. These are not the kind of service members we want serving in our ranks along side of the rest of us. We know we are better than our enemy, but we must also act like it. Our superior firepower and training are not all that separate us from those we fight; our morality and proper conduct while wearing our respective uniforms also separates us from our enemy. These guys had to find that out the hard way. Let their poor judgment be a lesson to anyone who thinks about doing something so stupid in any future c

you are a fool... and the POINT of this article is that the GENERAL has broken the law... major... big time... and has disgraced the Marines far more so than a little tinkle on a few dead terrorists.


Gen Anus is known to his men as the worst commandant in history... and the one spending more bonus money to hire criminal investigators to turn against his men while he lays of fighting Marines because there "is not enough money". He hates his Marines – it is known he hates them – and they can't stand him either. This case is also not the first case he has tampered with to convict someone in the "justice system" – where the judges have chastized him. This is just the one he left a paper trial on and has an honest general ready to call him out.


walk in their shoes... then give that diatribe... go get yourself blown up... then sent over there while you are suffering from a traumatic brain injury they hid from you even having... then fight for months and watch several of your men get blown up including your brother that week whose legs they parade in front of you all week before dangling them in the trees to continue to rot. Get in a fire fight with 6 of the enemy knowing you could be dead in a flash... and then kick back and give all that diatribe you just spewed...


I must agree with some who claim that this act is disgraceful etc., but let's put in the proper perspective. Urinating on an enemy cadaver is a symbolic action at best aimed at making a statement. At worst it's simply in bad taste. These Marines should each have been given Article 15, fined about $500 each, and given a suspended bust. There are many more things much more hideous that go in warfare that go unpunished. As for the Marine Corps Lieutenant General who said, 'they should have crushed', he should retire. Things that go on in the field, STAY IN THE FIELD. They are not posted on the internet or broadcast by CNN. The idiot who took the film / pictures and published them, should be censored by the Pentagon. If he's in the military, he should be advised that has given valuable propaganda to the enemy and should be disciplined appropriately IAW UCMJ. His punishment should exceed that given to the Marines who urinated on the enemy cadavers.


What these Marines did is shameful. In war you strive to kill your enemy as he attempts to kill you. All the while you remain human and maintain your dignity. Regardless whether your enemy would have urinated on you or not, you will not do the same to him because you are better than he is and you are above these uncivilized actions. The moment it becomes socially acceptable for members of the military to urinate on dead bodies is the moment you have lost the war. He was an enemy combatant and you killed him. What more can you do to him? Urinating on him does not hurt him more it only shows the world what you are willing to do to a dead corpse that cannot defend itself. Therefore, urinating on dead enemies is shameful, uncivilized, and a cowardly thing to do.
I served in the Marine Corps from 89-07 and was discharged from active service due to injuries sustained in combat. I never lost my cool during combat or afterwards nor did any of my Marines. I wish the commandant would have brought the hammer down on these clowns.


FOLKS – you are missing the point – we have all read the diatribes for 2 years on whether the boys should have done this or not... that is OLD news...
The NEWS here is that this Commandant is setting himself up as judge, jury and executioner – and then trying to COVER HIS TRACKS! Do YOU want that kind of justice system for you for any offense you may be accused of? What if you are INNOCENT? Is it ok for the powerful to tamper with our justice systems – military or civilian?

Someone who gets the point

HOW did THEY put the country to shame...? THEY did not post this video... some loser stole it and sold it to TMZ – who very quickly had NO problem broadcasting it to hype the news cycle. By every story posted on the boys, they were as stunned as everyone else that this lonewolf character, whomever that is, got this and posted it. Further – if you knew anything about what goes on it the front – you would know this happens all the time – and this is not the worst thing that goes on. Further – just how bad do you want the punishment to be for a bunch of shell-shocked boys who had been shot at all day and seen their buddy blown up – over what is a frat-boy level incident that we LAUGH at when hollywood does it for goodness sake? We have seen crack dealers and murders treated better than these boys!
PERSPECTIVE is what is missing here. There immediate commander should have been allowed to deal with this in Marine Punishment forms (lots of pain) - not some hyped up political garbage to appease a bunch of rich politicians that have never seen a hard days work in their lives.

The only wrong action the Marine took was filming what thy did to dead insurgents. There have been worse incidents that have gone unrecorded that stayed between the unit and the individuals involved. War takes a strong individual that is why a small percent of America has raised there hand and gone into harms why. The nation put a rifle in these guys hands after telling them for so wrong growing up murder is wrong. They had to de-humanize the individuals thy were killing because thy were told to go and take action against the enemies of this nation. Some of the comments on here are an example of people who have never seen war and then comment on the actions of those who kill for them. Warriors made by there tax dollors to hone them in a most unfortuanate necessity of peace. Those who judge them for what thy did ask yourself could you kill someone in front of you unhesitant who you know is an insurgent who you know wants to kill you and others. Were you capable of cons

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